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Marich Devise

French born. Lives & works between Paris and Rio (+NYC).


Marich Devise's photos celebrate life  with passion and a keen sense of humour and movement.


In addition to her freelance work as a reporter (corporate, press, BtoC), Marich developed a unique practice of portrait and creative photography in the context of the social work she carries out for the association Clichés Urbains. She co-founded the association in 2007, to conduct socio-artistic and educational projects in Paris, Brazil, and Africa.

Passionate about capoeira, the photographer  documents the afro-brazilian cultures and modern forms of pratice among afro-descendents communities.


Grants & Awards 

2018 - Prix Femmes en Choeur - Pierre Ricaud

2015 - Bourse Awesome Foundation 

2013 - Prix des Femmes, Mondadori


Credentials (Reportage, Events, Education)

Agence Phanie, A pública, La Villette, Images & Co, La Cinémathèque, AnimaImmobilière 3F, Paris Habitat, Arthur Hunt, Web-Education, La ligue de l'enseignement, le Claje, Histoire de Savoirs...


Clichés Urbains :



© 2017, Marich Devise

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